
If I Could Make Out Anywhere...

...it would be under the Eiffel Tower. I could roll around in the grass for hours underneath the iron lattice. Perfectly romantic.

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Where would you make out?


  1. I'm a fan of the car make out. The steamed up windows really make you feel like you've accomplished something.

  2. hmm, I would have to do some searching. I am sure there is a perfect waterfall out there somewhere.

  3. Disneyland. I know, how awful of me to want to make out in front of all those young children, right?
    But I want to feel like one of those sappy young teenagers in line who's there on a date... As many times as I've been to Disneyland in my life (well over 100) I've never been on a date there :(

  4. Santorini, Greece while the sun is setting ;)... one day

  5. Where haven't I made out with someone??? LOL Just kidding! After I graduated from high school, our family took a trip to visit our "roots" in England & part of "the continent". I sat on a cobblestone street in front of the palace in Copenhagen while a cellist played and fireworks were going off in the background and had the thought "This would be awesome to experience with a boy". I would go back to that day and time-with my hubby in a heartbeat!

  6. May sound strange, but I *love* to make out with The Hubs in bed. It's my favorite way to get the party started (and I'm sure you know what I mean), so I kind of associate it with "the party". Can't (legally) have "the party" in the grass under the Eiffel Tower, although if we could...I'd definitely consider a long make-out session there. :)



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