In college, Halloween seemed to be a free pass for girls to be skanky for a day. Girls seem to have this inner desire to express their sexuality. The girls who were brave (or perhaps scandalous) enough enjoyed themselves and the boys ate it up. I may be wrong, but I think most of the girls who didn't flaunt it on Halloween secretly wanted to. Well, now that we are old, boring, married people, I would encourage you to channel your inner sorority girl. You've got a willing and eager guy, and no one to brand you a skank.
Of course I don't recommend hitting the club in a bra and panties declaring you are a lady bug. No girls. Those days are behind you :) Try hosting a private Halloween party for two! You can be the sexy nurse (kit for only $9.95) and he can be your patient. Or you could be a cop and he could be a robber. If you've been nervous or reluctant to branch out from your generic pink frillies, then Halloween may be the perfect opportunity for you to go out on a limb.

{I highly recommend for your sexy costuming needs. This is the most affordable site I've found making it easy to give things a try for ten or twenty bucks. They are great with returns and discreet with deliveries.}
Holidays offer a perfect opportunity to spice things up in the bedroom. It's easy to get stuck in a routine, skip the lingerie, or worst of all, skip the sex all together. Try thinking of holidays as more than celebrations for children. Think of them as excuses to try something new in the bedroom!
Hmm...this totally trumps the idea I blogged about today - hee!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally going to do this!
ReplyDeleteThis is rather kinky. :)) I'm going to a costume party but this is more of an after party! :))
ReplyDeleteAwesome idea! Great excuse to wear something scandalous after the trick or treaters are in bed!
ReplyDeleteI definitely need that cop costume :)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for a hot halloween night with someone being arrested.
You can never go wrong with the classic bunny outfit for the after party with your man!
Halloween is all about getting to be someone you're not for a night, so yes I think many otherwise good girls like to be a little naughty on Halloween!
ReplyDeleteIn college I always went for a modest halloween costume. Probably the "right" choice, but now, I sort of regret it. I wish I would've flaunted it before my undies "restricted" me from doing so. Evil? Probably. Oh well. It is only one night.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I always get a themed room on our anniversary and incorporate costumes. It's super fun and makes our anniversary even more anticipatory. But sometimes I wish other people could see how hot I am in my Marie Antoinette costume. ;)
Is it possible to get more comfortable with costume? I would love to liven things up but every time i think about a costume I laugh. Even sometimes i put on my lingeire and feel awkward. I am self confident and would love to move past this and suprise the crap out of my husband. any tips?
ReplyDeleteHubbie will be a convict and I will be the sexy police officer attending to him. ;-)
ReplyDelete@anon 1:42
ReplyDeleteI did the dress up thing...and basically giggled the whole time. It was insanely embarrassing but still fun. I've found the more you do it the easier it is to hold the giggles in, practice makes perfect right? But even if you cant hold back the nervous laughter, so what!? Its all about having fun sometimes silly love-making is the best :)
That site is great, thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteI was a cleaning woman this Halloween. Sounds sext right?? Well I invited my H to a private Halloween party and arranged for him to walk in on me cleaning the kitchen floor in nothing but a VS apron. He LOVED it and "doing the floors" now has a whole new meaning for us,